Huntsville Comic and Pop Culture Expo 2020

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Huntsville Comic Expo Logo

Event Info

Convention Type
Event State
Start Date
July 18, 2020
End Date
July 19, 2020
Physical or Virtual
Active, Rescheduled, or Cancelled

We are excited to bring the 5th Annual Huntsville and Comic Pop Culture Expo back to the VBC. This year is continuing to grow and eclipse previous years. It’s hard to believe that five years ago, what was a simple idea has expanded beyond our wildest of dreams! This year, we are bringing back more guests, more cosplay, more gaming, and even throwing in a surprise or two! We look forward to seeing you all there!

Cosplay is a staple at the Expo, and this year looks to be no different! We encourage experienced creators, and new fans alike to embrace their inner-geek, and celebrate their fandom with us! There will be a Cosplay contest during the Expo and we look forward to seeing all the fun and amazing costumes on display!


The Von Braun Center, named for rocket pioneer Dr. Wernher Von Braun, is located in the heart of historic downtown Huntsville, Alabama. This multi-...
700 Monroe Street
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