Cosplay: Hippolyta

Golden Ticket Update: This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 Exhibition in Barcelona from May 23 – July 31, 2024!
I photographed this stunning Hippolyta Cosplay at Rose City Comic Con. When we photograph a Cosplay we are always looking to highlight what makes it unique, special, and why on the floor that particular Cosplayer stood out to us. This entire Cosplay was gorgeous and I really wanted to highlight the crest (broom bristles, amazing!) on the top of the head and that beautiful flowing cape!
FotoNostrum Exhibition

This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 show in Barcelona from May 23 - July 31, 2024.
dr-sneej is sending their Cosplay to Barcelona to be put on display next to their photo!
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