Cosplay: She Hulk

This image was taken at Wintercon NYC.  I love Heather’s post and just had to share it:⁣

Thank you @susanonysko for capturing my She Hulk. I remember looking back at the photos with you and feeling truly badass. ⁣This is one of the reasons I love cosplay. It’s such a strange and powerful feeling to be transported into another dimension just by looking at yourself through the lens of an amazing photographer. ⁣

My She Hulk pep talk for you today is: I hope you can find that power within yourself. The one that you feel when you get back an incredible cosplay photo. ⁣ The picture is a temporary high, and we put more value into it once we post it and see how it does on the internet. ⁣

But you are more than that photo. You are more than the likes it gets. You are more than all of this. And you always have that power. To be badass. To be strong. To love yourself. It’s always there. ⁣But thank you to the photographers who help us capture and harness it 💜💚

I challenge you to do one thing that makes you feel powerful today. Just for you. Not for Instagram, not for anyone else but you. ⁣Save this post for when you’re feeling a little less than powerful.

Comic Convention

November 22, 2019 • November 24, 2019

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