Borderlands Comics and Games




Once upon a time, a geeky 21-year-old named Rob took a job in a city he’d never been to before, to run a comic shop. After helping grow the company, he left for several years and came back when the shop was sold, and the name changed to Borderlands Comics and Games. After a few years he ventured into the corporate world and for over a decade missed the shop and the community that he helped build. Then in 2011, Stan Reed- the owner of Borderlands, gave Rob the chance to buy the reason he had come to town in the first place. Since then Borderlands has had a charitable impact on Greenville and the local community of over $100,000 and has become a true force in the comics, games and collectibles industry. With the help of Michele, Store Manager Mark and the team of all stars at the shop, Borderlands Comics and Games is only getting better.


Start Date: April 15, 2023
Start Date: April 09, 2022
Start Date: April 17, 2021
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