AnimeNEXT 2021

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Event Info

Convention Type
  • Anime
  • Comic
  • Gaming
Start Date
June 11, 2021
End Date
June 13, 2021
Physical or Virtual
Virtual / Online
Active, Rescheduled, or Cancelled

The convention features Japanese creators of anime and manga, voice actors from anime series, Japanese musical acts, artists, vendors and exhibits, panels, workshops, and gaming. Events all focus on aspects of anime, manga, and Japanese culture. With the popularity of anime and manga growing in the 1990s and 2000s, anime conventions have seen positive growth in their attendance; AnimeNEXT is no exception.

On Friday, December 18th, 2020, Governor Murphy of New Jersey announced the Atlantic City Convention Center will be utilized as one of six COVID-19 vaccination “mega sites”. Over the course of the holiday season, we confirmed this site will overlap with the AnimeNEXT 2021 dates, and we will be transitioning to an online-only event.

The virtual event is scheduled to take place on the same weekend, June 11th – 13th 2021. While we were offered alternative dates later in the year by the convention center, AnimeNEXT has chosen to postpone our physical event until 2022. Our decision was based on the following three factors:

  • Committing to the health and safety of our attendees and staff alike
  • Supporting the decision of our partners at the Atlantic City Convention Center in utilizing their space as a vaccination “mega site”
  • Finding unique ways to aid the community regarding public health

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