Cosplay: Maui

Golden Ticket Update: This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 Exhibition in Barcelona from May 23 – July 31, 2024!
🌴💪 You’re welcome – for this EPIC shot of Maui, snagging a Golden Ticket straight from Wizard World Chicago to Barcelona’s FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 Exhibit! 🎟️
⛵Don’t just sail; navigate to stardom with the Cosplay 50 app, where the hook of Cosplay photography catches the best around the globe for FREE!
Hook your adventure ➡️
I was thrilled to check this Maui Cosplay off my cosplay wishlist at Wizard World Chicago.
FotoNostrum Exhibition

This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 show in Barcelona from May 23 - July 31, 2024.
Get involved!