The Great Philadelphia Comic Con 2021

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Event Info

Convention Type
  • Anime
  • Comic
  • Gaming
Event State
Start Date
April 02, 2021
End Date
April 04, 2021
Physical or Virtual
Active, Rescheduled, or Cancelled

The Great Philadelphia Comic Con! is dedicated to producing celebrations of comics and pop-culture by providing unique access to talented artists and a family-friendly experience for fans of all ages. Our show motto “Get UR Geek On!” represents the diverse and unique nature of our fans – be they fans of Comics, Movies, TV, Anime, Gaming, Cosplay or more.

We have some sad news. The September 4-6, 2020 show is postponed to April 2021. Due to the efforts by the government to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, certain restrictions and safety protocols have been put into place regarding live events including the recent order that indoor gatherings of more than 25 people are now prohibited. With an average daily attendance that far surpasses that, not including vendors, guests, and staff, our event is well outside the limit of what is now acceptable. Unfortunately, there is no expectation that these restrictions will be lifted prior to our planned September event date.


Our facility is one of the largest on the east coast, with up to 240,000 square feet of uninterrupted exhibition space on a single floor. At the Gr...
100 Station Avenue
Venue State

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