L.A. Comic Con 2022

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Event Info

Convention Type
  • Anime
  • Comic
  • Gaming
Event State
Start Date
December 02, 2022
End Date
December 04, 2022
Physical or Virtual
Active, Rescheduled, or Cancelled

L.A.'s Largest & Favorite Comic Con & Pop-Culture Experience.

In 2019, over 123,000 fans joined us in our quest to serve up one of the most diverse and celebrated pop culture events in the US. We play host to 800+ diverse artists and vendors, selling comics, collectibles, art, toys, apparel, and everything in-between. You'll also get up close and personal with some of the biggest and best names in the entertainment industry with our hand-picked selection of panels, events, and meet n'greet opportunities.

A confluence of comics, gaming, sci-fi, horror, pop culture, and that one obscure thing that you thought everyone had forgotten about; it's all here and that's what makes this community worth celebrating.  So, join us for another weekend none of us will forget!


Located in the heart of vibrant Downtown L.A., the LACC is a leading destination for conventions, trade shows, and exhibitions.

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