Cosplay: The Cheshire Cat

Golden Ticket Update: This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 Exhibition in Barcelona from May 23 – July 31, 2024!
🐱 A Cheshire Cat that wouldn’t dare disappear from our FotoNostrum spotlight in Barcelona.
✨Vanishing act not included, but our Cheshire Cat’s Cosplay magic sure is!
Captured first at FanX, and now dazzling the crowd at FotoNostrum in Barcelona, this Cosplayer’s talent is as enigmatic as the cats themselves. 🎭
I love to see interpretive Cosplays like this Cheshire Cat from FanX in Salt Lake City. When she struck this pose, all I could think of was “Alice in Wonderland Meets The Matrix”! This Cosplay is amazing in so many ways!
FotoNostrum Exhibition

This Golden Ticket Cosplay has been selected to be included in the FotoNostrum Cosplay 50 show in Barcelona from May 23 - July 31, 2024.
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