Susan Onysko Photography Studio 2024

Golden Ticket Con
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Event Info

Convention Type
  • Anime
  • Comic
  • Horror
Event State
Start Date
January 01, 2020
End Date
January 01, 2020
Physical or Virtual
Active, Rescheduled, or Cancelled

I am an internationally awarded and exhibited professional travel photographer from Ohio. I started attending conventions with my children a few years ago and immediately fell in love with Cosplay and Cosplay culture. I started photographing Cosplayers on the convention floor and although I created some great images, I knew I could create spectacular portraits of people if I could somehow bring my entire studio with me on location to the conventions. I rented out my first room in 2017 and the rest is history.

By combining two of my greatest loves, Cosplay and travel, I created this personal project named Cosplay 50: The United States of Cosplay. I am attending conventions in every state and photographing the incredible Cosplayers that I find there, with the goal to assemble the amazing images into a coffee table book at the conclusion of the 50th state. I have already completed 32 states.

I scour the convention floor to find exceptional examples of Cosplay. I invite those I find to my studio for a FREE thirty-minute photography session. This appointment must be scheduled. I use different lighting techniques and backgrounds, so every individual gets a unique, high-quality portrait of themselves (and we have a lot of fun in the process!).

You receive ONE fully retouched, print-resolution JPEG after the convention. This image can be printed and used for personal purposes and has no watermark on it. I also send a high-resolution JPEG with my watermark on it for use on social media. If you use it, please tag me (@SusanOnysko) as that is how others hear about me and the project.

During your session I also have you complete a model release on my iPad, a copy of which is emailed to you.

Golden Tickets


My name is Susan Onysko and I am an internationally awarded and exhibited professional travel photographer from Ohio. I started attending conventio...
Gates Mills
Gates Mills
Venue State

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