Cosplay: Sansa Stark

I photographed this Sansa Stark Cosplay at Rhode Island Comic Con. I am in constant awe by the amount of work put into the cosplays that I have the good fortune photograph. This one took one hundred and sixty hours, not including the crown and armor.
I always wanted those who view my cosplay photos to understand how much work goes into them. Thankfully, Amanda (photographed here) shared some insight into what it took to make this cosplay:
I made the pattern for the dress by myself, made two mockups, and then went on to make the dress using a fabric from spoonflower. I then embroidered on organza 20 intricate weird wood leaves, two direwolves for the sleeves that I never attached as well as vines for the collar.
The “armor” that I made is made from EVA foam cut by a ladder cutter, worbla, and aluminum wiring. The crown is made from a 3D printer and worbla.
It is unbelievable how multi-talented cosplayers are melding traditions such as sewing with modern day 3D-printing and more. I am very thankful for those who put in this amount of work so I can have the honor of photographing them.
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